Emmaville Primary School

Year 5 Visit Durham

29th November 2022

Year 5 had a fantastic educational visit to Durham. As part of their local study history topic, they visited the magnificent cathedral and found out about its rich history. They learnt about when, why and how it was built and the importance of St Cuthbert. They found out how the cathedral has been used over the centuries, explored the monks’ old living, eating and sleeping quarters (which are now museums), and even got to see precious artefacts that were found in St Cuthbert’s coffin. Obviously, there was a lot of enthusiasm, too, about seeing the locations where Harry Potter was shot!
They also took an educational walk around the city, where they used their geographical mapwork skills to follow a trail around the riverside paths, recognising features of the temperate deciduous forest as they went. They ended up in the ancient marketplace where a timeline set into the cobbles gave them more information about key events in Durham’s history. Everyone had a great day and learnt so much.